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Tadasana 1 & 2

Teaches you to stand correctly, makes the back straight and strong.
Weight of the body falls equally on the two feet.


Strengthens legs and shoulders Improves balance and concentration, it is highly beneficial for the students.

Makes the backbone stonger.
Blood circulation in the head improves and nervous system becomes active.
Activates Thyroid gland and solves Asthma problem.

- By this asana liver and kidneys function better.
- Stomach ache vanishes.
- Mental confusions disappear and one becomes active.
- The problems caused by Shirshasana are solved by doing this asana.
Ardha Kati Chakrasana
- Gives exercise to the backbone. Functioning of lever improves.

- ​By this asana ordinary defects of the legs can be set right.

- Muscles of the legs become stronger, chest, back, waist, thighs get enough exercise.

- Corrects the stiffness of the shoulders.

- Muscles of the legs become stronger.
- Bent legs can be corrected.
- Back ache, neck pain, pain in the waist can be cured.
- Hands become stronger.
- It reduces fat.

Sitting Relaxed
Leg Folding Excersise

- Menstrual disorder of the ladies can be cured.
- Quite useful for easy delivery.
- To cure kidney troubles
- Helps in better blood circulation.
- Thigh muscles become flexible, pain in the nerves of the legs can be cured.
- Elasticity of the back is improved.
- This Asana is a blessing to Women.

​Ardha Padmasana
- For the beginners, there may be pain in the knees.
- But after constant practice, it becomes a comfortable posture to sit longer comfortably.
- It gives new vigour to the nerves of the legs, stomach, Back and knee
- Fat of the thighs dissolves, stomach becomes smaller.
- This posture increases concentration power.
- It removes anxiety or excitement giving peace and happiness to mind.

Benifits same as above.
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