Mudra Yoga
Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water)

Benefits:- Balances the water content in the body removes the roughness of the skin. Pimples problem will control. Handsome free-will get.
Prevents the pain of Gastroenteritis and Muscle shrinkage.
But person with excessive cough and cold should not perform this mudra for a longer duration.

Method :- Touch the tip of the little finger with tip of thumb. Other three fingers stretched out.
Varuna Mudra has no specific time duration.
Shankha Mudra

The left thumb should held in the right first and then the left index finger should touch the right thumb.

Benefit :- Digestion, Thyroid Glands, Throat, Enhances quality of voice.
Prana Mudra (Mudra of life)

Benefits :- If improves immunity. Helps to improve the eyes power, reduces eye related diseases. If removes the vitamin deficiency and fatigue. Improves power of life. Weak people become strong & action.
No specific time duration.
Method :- Tip of the thumb finger touch to tip of the ring I litter finger. Other fingers are straight.